1. Please introduce the history of the ATA, its size, and identity(ATA ǿ ü, Ը Ұ ֽʽÿ).
ATA History()
Asia Theological Association was formed in 1970 as a direct outcome of the Pan-Asia Congress of Evangelism held in Singapore in 1968. The initial intention was to serve as a coordinating agency for evangelical theological education in Asia. In 1977, it began offering accreditation services to evangelical institutions in Asia. The Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST) was established as the research and education arm of the association in 1983. This movement was pioneered by outstanding theologians, Dr. SaphirAthyal, Dr. Bong Rin Ro, and Dr. Bruce Nicholls, along with other Asian and Western missionary educators.
ATA(ƽþƽп) 1968 ̰ Pan-Asia Congress on Evangelism 1970 Ǿ. ƽþ б ڵ ̿, 1977 ƽþ б鿡 ϰ Ǿ. Athyal, Nicholls, ڻ Ź ƽþƿ 縦 ۵Ǿ.
Mission(ü )
ATA is a body of theological institutions, committed to evangelical faith and scholarship, networking together to serve the Church in equipping the people of God for the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is committed to serving its members in the development of evangelical, biblical theology by strengthening interaction, enhancing scholarship, promoting academic excellence, fostering spiritual and ministerial formation and mobilizing resources to fulfill Gods global mission within diverse Asian cultures.
ATA й Ʈŷ ȸ ϳ ̼ غŰ ̴. Ư ȸ , 밭ȭ, й , й , 翪 , پ ƽþ ȭ ӿ ϳ ۷ι ̷ ڿ ϴµ .
ATA has grown to become the regions largest association of theological institutions with 300 members in 34 nations across Asia, South Pacific and West Asia (Middle East).
ATA ū ƽþ, ƽþ(ߵ), 34 300ȸ ϰ ִ.
ATA is a founding member and one of the eight regional theological associations under the umbrella of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE). ATA is also a member of the Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) and the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG).
ATA б ΰȸ(ICETE) Ҽӵ 8 ü ϳ̸ â ̴. Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) and the Coundcil of Higher Education Accreditation(CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG)ȸ̴.
2. What is the significance of this year's G.A. and what are some important agendas and future goals?(̹ȸǴٷԵ߿̽ȹΰ?)
The theme of this years GA is Fixing our Eyes on Jesus: Asian Churches Pressing On (Hebrews 12:1-2). The churches in Asia are faced with complex issues and challenges. We want to encourage the ATA community to keep looking to Jesus, to remain steadfast and faithful in moving the gospel forward in Asia and beyond.
ݳ ȸ ٶ ϴ ƽþ ȸ(긮12:1-2). ƽþ ȸ ϰ ϰ ִ. ȸ ATA ü ִԸ ٶ γϰ ƽþƸ Ѿ Žϰ ϱ⸦ ݷϰ ʹ.
The plenary sessions will focus on the following topics: ü ̴.
Session # 1 - God's Abundant Grace in Asia ƽþƿ ϳ dz
We tend to highlight the many problems and challenges in Asia, but God has been good to Asia and we want to honor him for his marvelous work in our region. Through this session we want to affirm our identity as Asians and celebrate how God is using Asia as a blessing to the rest of the world.
ƽþư ϴ ƽþƸ ϰ εϽ ϳ Ÿ Ͻ ϰ ʹ. ƽþν 츮 ü Ȯϰ ƽþƸ 踦 ູϴ ϳ ſ ̴.
Session # 2 - Christianity in Asia: Historical Perspective ƽþ :
This session will examine Christianity in Asia from the lens of historical theology. A reflection on the history of Christianity in Asia will show us that the church has persevered and has remained faithful in times of persecutions and sufferings. But there were times also that the church failed to be relevant and be an effective witness for Christ. Asian churches have much to learn from the past.
ǿ ð ƽþ ̴. ƽþ 縦 ̹ڰ ӿ Žϰ γ ȸ ȿ ȸ Ÿ. Ÿ ƽþ ȸ .
Session # 3 - Christianity in Asia: Missions Perspective ƽþ :
This session will examine Christianity in Asia from the missions perspective. It will discuss both the growth of missions in Asia and the role of Asia in global missions.
° ǿ ƽþ ȴ. ƽþ Ȱ ƽþ .
Session # 4 - Challenges in AsiaƽþǾ
This session will discuss key issues and challenges confronting the churches in Asia. The gospel needs to engage with the realities in Asian communities.Our message must be relevant and transformative.
ƽþ ȸ ̽ . ƽþ ü ü ؾ Ѵ. 츮 ʿ並 ä ȭ Ѵ.
Session # 5 - Theological Education: Responding to Global and Local Challenges
The church is affected by global and local realities. What kind of leaders do Asian churches need? What kind of training is needed? Theological education must be responsive to both the global and local (glocal) contexts.
< :۷ι/ 鿡 ϱ>
ȸ ؿܿ Ȳ ´. ƽþ ȸ ʿѰ? Ʒ ʿѰ? ۷ι/ Ȳ ؾ Ѵ.
There will also be four break-out sessions (called Interest Groups) on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Participants can choose from the following topics:
ȭϰ 4 (interest ) ð ְ, ڵ ִ.
1. Education Technology: Get Started with Blended and Online Learning, Student Databases –Mr. Walker Tzeng : ¶ л ̽
2. Case Studies on Impact Assessment:
The What and How of Curriculum Impact Assessment: The ATS Experience –Dr. Joanna Soberano Ŀŧ : ATS
Voices of Alumni and Church Lay Leaders: The BSOP Experience –Dr. Chiu Eng Tan ŵ ڿ Ҹ: BSOP
3.Doing Stakeholder Studies that Promote Institutional Improvement –Dr. Richard Hart 踦
4.Residential and Church-based Training in Partnership –Dr. Graham Aylett and Dr. Tim Green ȸ- Ʈʽ Ʒ
5.Women and Justice in the Book of Judges –Dr. Athena Gorospe Ÿ
6.Integrative Counseling as a Means of Spiritual Growth –Dr. Clark Campbell and Dr. Martha Chiu
How Asian Mission Agencies Can Avoid Repeating the Mistakes of the West in Relating to Theological Institutions –Dr. Stuart Brooking ־ ƽþ ü ü ƾ
1) Transformational Leadership –Henry Tan and Ron Watters ȭ
2) Spiritual Multiplication through Relational Disciple-Making –Bishop EfTendero and Dr. Billie Hanks Ʒ 谡
3) Helping Faculty and Students Better Integrate Faith and Learning: Orientation and Best Practices –Dr. Kevin Lawson л žӰ ġ
4) Church as a Community of Faith and Communalism in Asia –Dr. LalsangkimaPachuau üμ ȸ ƽþ ü
5) Diaspora Missiology: A Non-option for 21st Century Theological Education –Dr. Joy Tira ƽ : 21
A special part of the GA is Chongshins International Conference on Reformation in Asia. The paper presentations in this conference is one option in the break-out sessions on Thursday afternoon.
̹ ȸ Ư ѽ ְϰ Ǵ ƽþ ̶ мȸ̴. ǥ ̴.
The business part of the GA will discuss the proposed revised ATA Constitution, the increase in membership and accreditation fees, approval of new budget, confirmation of leaders and members of different ministries, etc.
Ͻ ATA , ȸ/ , Ȯ, ٸ Ȯ ִ.
3. Chongshin Theological Seminary is hosting the G.A., what are some of the expectations? ѽſ ȸ ȣƮϴµ, ٶ ΰ?
ATA is grateful to Chongshin Theological Seminary for hosting the GA. President Youngwood Kim, Dr. In-Sub Ahn and Rev. Paul Kim have been very helpful in all the preparations to ensure that the GA will go smoothly and the participants will have an enjoyable week. ATA also appreciates the commitment of Chongshin to provide assistance to leaders of ATA member schools from needy countries so they could participate in this important event.
ATA ̹ ȸ Ų ǵ غϰ ڵ ſ ָ ֵ ֽ 迵 , μ ó, ȭ Բ Ѵ. Ҿ, ʿ ATA ȸ б ڵ ֵ Ŀ ּż ϴ.
4. How is that ATA run? financially? organizationally? and regionally? ATA , , Ǵ°?
Membership is open to organizations, associations, and institutions that subscribe to the ATA Constitution. Accredited members are institutional members whose educational program/s is/are accredited by ATA. Associate members are organizations, associations, and institution members that are either in the process of seeking accreditation from or in fellowship with ATA.
ATA ̳ , б ִ. ȸ̶ ATA α Ѵ. ȸATA ִ±̳ б Ѵ.
The General Assembly is the legislative body of ATA. It is composed of the representatives of accredited members, representatives of associate members and other invitees/observers. Voting privilege is restricted to accredited members (one vote per institution). The GA meets every three years.
ȸ ATA Թδ. ȸ ȸ ǥ ʴڿ ȴ. ǥ ȸ鿡Ը οȴ(Ⱓ 1ǥ) ȸ 3 ѹ ֵȴ.
The Executive Boad governs and oversees the work of ATA and meets at least once a year. The Board is composed of elected representative from each officially established regional chapter of ATA, selected individuals for their expertise/experience, the General Secretary, the chairpersons of Commissions and Departments and the AGST Presiding Dean. The General Secretary is the CEO of ATA and is accountable to the Executive Board and the General Assembly.
δ 1 ѹ ̸ ATA Ѵ. ȸ ATA ǥ Ǿ, 繫, μ AGST ̴. 繫 ATA CEO̸ ο ȸ å ִ.
Regional Chapters are the arms of ATA to coordinate regional contextual efforts to facilitate the implementation of ATA policies and objectives, and promote the ATA cause within theirregions. Regional Chapters are instituted by and are accountable to the Executive Board through the General Secretary. Members of each regional management committee are selected from among the member institutions within the region. Each Regional Chapter is to be governed under the Constitution and By-laws of ATA within the legal constraints of each region.
δ ATA ҷν Ȳ ð ATA å ϰ ȫϴµ ڵ Ѵ. δ ο 繫忡 å ִ. ȸ ȸ ȸ õǸ ATA Դ ȿ ȴ.
The operation of ATA is funded primarily through the annual membership fees of its members. But ATA has to raise funds for special events like the GA, theological consultations, and seminars.
ATA ַ ȸ ȸ , ȸ ̼ ̳ ̺Ʈ ݵ巹¡ Ͽ δ.
ο 繫 Luaڻ ͺ
1. As the next General Secretary, how will you direct the course of the ATA? 繫, ATA ̲ ȹԴϱ?
As General Secretary I will direct ATA to pursue its founding vision and mission: 繫ν ATA ̼ ؼ ߱ Դϴ. װ ٷ Ʒ 4 ϴ.
1. Contextualizing the Gospel as a missiological necessity in Asia in response to the critical, urgent, contemporary issues of the day; ó ̰ ϰ ̽鿡 Ͽ, ƽþ Ȳ ʿ並 ä°
2.Championing an evangelical theology in Asia in response to other theologies of the day; ó ٸ е鿡 ؼ ƽþƿ ȣϴ
3.Charting the way for local theological ministries in Asia; ƽþ 翪 üȭ ϴ
4. Creating platforms to promote fellowship and cooperation among evangelical theologians and theological schools in Asia. ƽþ ڵ б ϴ ϴ
I will be focusing on building the capacity of ATA member schools in providing quality and relevant programs to develop effective leaders for the church and society. Will do this through the various ATA services: accreditation, seminars and consultancy services (in areas like curricula and program development, library development, faculty development, governance, finance, leadership development, and teaching methodologies), publication, and theological consultation. Will also promote greater collaboration among the ATA member schools by facilitating faculty exchange, student exchange, joint research, etc.
ȸ ȸ ȿ ϱ ̰ α ϰ ̸ ATA ȸ б 뷮 ̴. ATA ϴ پ (,̳ , , ,, Ʒ,,ǰ ) ̸ ̴. ATAȸ б ,л , ݶ̼ ̴.
2. What sort of partnership are you planning for the Korean churches and member seminaries? ѱȸ ȸ бʹ Ʈʽ ȹϰ ֳ?
I would like to seek more ways for Korean churches and member seminaries to be a blessing to Gods work in Asia. Through ATA, they can play an important role in building Gods Kingdom in Asia and beyond.
ƽþƸ ϳ ູ ϵ ѱȸ ȸ б ؾ Դϴ. ATA ѱ ȸ ȸ б ƽþƸ Ѿ 迡 ϳ Ǽϴ ߿ ֽϴ.
I would also like to work closely with the leaders of ATA Korea in addressing issues and challenges confronting the Korean churches and member seminaries.
̸ ATA ѱ ȸ ϸ Ư ѱȸ б ϰ ִ Ÿϰ ͽϴ.
3. What significance does this year's G.A. has for you? ̹ ȸ ο ǹ̰ ֳ?
I have been serving ATA since 2007 first as Associate Secretary of Accreditation and Educational Development then as Secretary of Accreditation. This years GA is very significant for me because I will be installed as the 5th General Secretary of ATA. It is such an honor and a privilege! Thanks to God for his favor and to the ATA family for the trust. God alone be praised!
2007 ó ATA Accreditation and Educational Development μ μ Accreditation ϴ. ̹ ȸ Ư ATA 5° 繫 ϱ Դϴ. ū Ư̶ մϴ. ϳ ATA ŷڿ 帳ϴ. ϳԿԸ ϴ.
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